Sanya International Asset Exchange Co., Ltd. setup a registered office in HongKong on December 2, 2021.
Sanya International Asset Exchange Co., Ltd. implemented the first outbound transfer business of non-performing assets in Hainan Province on December 4, 2020.
Sanya International Asset Exchange Co., Ltd. completed reorganization and was opened grandly in Sanya on November 1, 2020.
Sanya International Asset Exchange Co., Ltd. gained the approval on the change of the name of the pilot program of outbound transfer of domestic credit assets (the Notice on the Recordation of the Name Change of the Agency of the Pilot Program of the Outbound Transfers of Domestic Credit Assets (No. 2020002)) on October 19, 2020.
AFCA Financial Assets Exchange (Hainan) Co., Ltd. completed equity restructuring and was officially renamed to "Sanya International Asset Exchange Co., Ltd." on October 12, 2020.
AFCA Financial Assets Exchange (Hainan) Co., Ltd. gained the qualification for the pilot program of outbound transfer of domestic credit assets (the Notice on the Recordation of the Pilot Program of the Outbound Transfers of Domestic Credit Assets (No. 2020001)) on March 18, 2020.
AFCA Financial Assets Exchange (Hainan) Co., Ltd. was grandly opened in Sanya on May 10, 2017. As an organic component of financial infrastructure, the opening of the Exchange would greatly enrich the optimization and allocation of various factor resources of Hainan Province, and would be of great significance for implementing the institutional reform on the supply side and supporting the development of the real economy.
AFCA Financial Assets Exchange (Hainan) Co., Ltd. received the approval for opening (the Letter of Reply of the Financial Affairs Office of the People's Government of Hainan Province on Agreeing the Opening of AFCA Financial Assets Exchange (Hainan) Co., Ltd. (Q. J. B. H. [2017] No. 145)) on April 24, 2017.
AFCA Financial Assets Exchange (Hainan) Co., Ltd. received the approval on the preparation (the Letter of Reply of the General Office of the People's Government of Hainan Province on Agreeing the Establishment of AFCA Financial Assets Exchange (Hainan) Co., Ltd. (Q. F. B. H. [2016] No. 255) on August 9, 2016.